Saturday, March 8, 2025

no internet last night

chocolate milk is very filling.  I wasn't hungry and forgot to eat b'fast I've been so upset over last year's car ordeal.  

I finished the senior puzzle, soaked, stretched then drove to library same route.  I picked up St just lunch told Eileen how helpful the rubber purple egg carton cushion has been.  got quart chocolate milk.  

I need a hug.  I'm feeling tired and abandoned.  I woke up feeling hopeless.  

one good thing I found a patch of shepherds purse next to the library.  Sunnyvale hasn't any this year.  

Thursday, March 6, 2025

6:50 am-46 degrees

Bliss.  I puzzled, soaked, 2 movies from Cody Bookmobile and 10:30 bingo.  Trudy got one.  Ken and I are more energized.  lunch was a fun party.  Florence and Inge gave us treats.  Fred held our table.  Toki seems tired.  Elizabeth gave me 2 hostess birthday cupcakes I offered to Toki she suggested to Ken.  I gave Inge's strawberry bite to Florence and Donchey.  Walter is much calmer since I explained to him people like him for who he is not his dad.  I had to point out no one else stepped up to help with his dad 'cause his dad was so difficult and everyone admired his commitment.

I found my Costco bills, and pink car key I clipped to my gym bag.  home for game shows.  WOO HOO!!  

6 pm I made toasted tuna cheese sliced tomato on Parmesan olive bread for dinner.  so delicious.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

10 minute drive

and finally raining.  it's beautiful gentle.  I puzzled finished bird and snowman started a new one.  lunch was OK I waited for bingo.  Whew! I swear 2 minute segments.  

after my game shows I went to Nob hill to regain pages.  I tired of PCL  games wanting me to sign in over and over.  too boring.  home for 4 pm game show.  tempted to nap I found things to do.  

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

new record 8 minute drive

finished puzzle Mallory has 2 new 300 piece.  I started blue bird and snow buddy.  weather keeps saying it will rain nothing yet.  only tv interference.

fun, fun, silly, willy.  

ow, my tummy hurts from cheese touched by very fresh juicy purple red onion.  Fred gives me whatever he isn't eating and I got an extra fish meal.  I forgot to thank Toki for giant bag of kettle chips so I called.  Trudy and Ken showed up for lunch.  I got distracted.  

home 1:45 I'm taking my time watching my game shows.  updated the lunch menu that was misprinted.  

Monday, March 3, 2025

yesterday no brace-today 3/3 girl's day

so painful all over I took grapefruit and willow.  and it works.  too inactive yesterday.  I haven't been so bad in years.  the tub fixed my aches.

lunch OK new menu changes.  I'll fill out a new one.  new behavior.  I came home watched Puzzler went to Sunny pick up drop off.  home for people then Nob for corn bread and almonds no Inno-Asian.  darn $5 Monday special.  

3 trips!

Saturday, March 1, 2025

I feel so much better-paid Bartolo

I feel grounded and when motionless pain free.  soaked half hour at seniors, mailed life, withdrew chase, picked up St just.  the purple egg carton cushion Eileen gave me last week is wonderful for my back. 

11:30 eating lunch listening to my healing music.  the universe is seeing to my needs.  I played on the puzzle, read my paper, played sweeps.  I drove to Bartolo paid $70, almost home I detoured to Lucky's bought pizza and chips.  I added 1/4 bottle ground oregano and fresh tomato slices and baked pizza.  ate 1/4 pumpkin waiting 26 minutes for pizza.  so excellent I wish I could eat more.  

Friday, February 28, 2025

I'm playing

I picked up free peanut dark chew, entered my contests, played on the puzzle.  lunch was good getting back to Fred and Toki.  Walter came 11:45 and I explained to him the difference between flirting and being annoying by personal experience with Lance G in high school.  Lance thought patting me condescendingly on the head was endearing I told him it was demeaning and irritating.  I thought he was juvenile and stupid.  we were 16 not 8.  Walter mistakenly thinks annoying Nahyoung is flirting.  Wrong.  I don't know if he's listening.