Tuesday, September 17, 2024


i forgot to take my vitamins.  eh, i remembered i forgot that's good.  Progress not perfection.  i'm thinking of taking them at bedtime.  i ate beets.  

tub was 98 degrees.  so relaxing.  hour and half.  then online.  stinky man shouting in computer room.  i left 11.  lunch ok i remembered no Toki to Dim Sum with Jane.  i saw Jane at bingo exercise said it was ok 3 people ditched.  half dozen ditched class i was ignored.  Mallory offered to walk me in or i could start fresh Thursday i opted to wait.  i mailed monopoly 73 cents and checked out Secret and Daily Ukulele and LP Love Tina.  

i met Mariah and self named Violet at puzzle table.  she loves him a lot and he's dismissive toward her.  lack of vitamins making me tired.  

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