Saturday, September 28, 2024

we may be the last generation to enjoy a democracy

trump sue took down the Ukraine benefit sign.  she wants a dictatorship starring trump.   Putin takes Ukraine like Hitler took Poland.  world war 3 maybe.  Trump will betray America like everyone in his life.  i feel badly for children and immigrants.  they came to escape terrorists and Trump uses fear, threats and terror to control his mob.  hopefully i'll be dead soon.  after 2 Bushes and Trump i'm tired of the fear tactics.  i'm emotionally drained.

or it could be the 75 bad air.  giving me sinus headache.  haven't had in a long time.  

i see the little ones at the library and hope they'll solve global warming.  caused by Texas oil men's greed no one seems concerned we're killing the planet ergo ourselves.  fossil fuels have poisoned the planet and funded middle eastern terrorists.  America's manufactured need for oil created the wealth of Dubai.  a need generated by capitalism.  Henry Ford wanted to run cars on soy bean oil diesel fuel but there wasn't enough money or exclusivity in it to overcome Texas greed.  

well parents are allowing kids to grow without direction.  so maybe it's just the end.  my parents let us run wild so my sisters and most of the world is selfishly concerned only with what they want.  i saw it in my family.  i was the only one concerned with recycling.  they want to trash the planet make it someone else's problem until it impacts their life.  it may be too late.  

i drove to Ukraine benefit cancelled so proceeded to St Just lunch and weekend.  having holiday sale everything $ so my 10 donation i spent on Christmas presents.  in fact i found 11 and left my money home was going to put one back white woman gave me an early gift.  maybe a little hope.

the world was built on the backs of minority women.  we did the work while men took credit and cash.

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