Wednesday, November 13, 2024

6:53 feeling it and healing it

feeling a warm dark sinister mass floating in my solar.  it's toddler dread. 

and my anxiety of buying water soft when how, renew license what when, clean gutters if I can, etc.  laundry, a plethora of chores.  it never ends.

I'm having a hard time trusting God.  I was never allowed.  the family thought themselves gods.  EPIPHANY:  explains so much.  dad molested Aileen who molested me.  she pimped me out for a date.  she was messed up.  the first time I've admitted to myself.  gives me shivers.  and did mom know?

BREAK TIME.  WHERE WAS GOD?  no wonder I have issues.

I'm ready for something good. 

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