Thursday, May 16, 2024

keeping the fun in dys fun ctional

being trained in the past we hit the decks dysfunctional.  the mission is to keep the fun while enhancing the outdated training.  the world is changing faster than anyone can keep up with creating tension, anxiety and fear.  the Trumps of the world use fear to manipulate and control others.  

basically confidence tricksters.  Wayne Dyer wrote 'pulling your own strings' reminding us to take charge of our own programming.  I watch channel 24.7 on TV listening to the lies and projections so ingrained it's become a recording.  the lights are on but nobody's home.  I know the direction.

I swam, puzzled, lunched, extra carnitas 4 x serving size.  I found nob hill  coupons i'd forgotten last day and checking lucky's last day for faux crab $2.99/lb.  I got last 2.  I saved $9/$21 at nob hill so my dinners are covered for the month.

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