Friday, May 31, 2024

very good

last day of May.  I survived another one.  mom's b'day and death day.  

I'm slowly adjusting to my new car look.  I just figured out dad always bought new cars and complained for 6 months getting things fixed to his satisfaction or just accepted it.  so being a business major new cars depreciate when you drive them off the lot so I always bought 3-5 year old cars but Toyota keep their value so 10 year old cars are ok.  

I drove to lucky's free and sale chips then Sprouts looking for dessert and deli had 2 clearance large turkey meatloaf, roasted sweet potato asparagus dinners $2.60 ea.  drove home new behavior.  

swam 2 hours, puzzle, lunch with Toki and Mike more puzzle decided to stay for bingo I wasn't feeling it.  drove back to Sprouts walked store nothing.  called Brian if home no voice mail.  Safeway college blueberry pudding ring.  4 pm tried Brian again no answer I decided to swing by in case.  he was home.  I didn't have the address and found it.  watched 5 pm 'people, place, thing'.  he made pizza dough, sauce caramelized balsamic red onions, blue cheese.  we sat and ate 'til 9 I asked for a piece to take home.  he wrapped half the cake to take home.  I went straight to bed 9:30.

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