Friday, May 3, 2024

doing and being

I picked up lucky's free pasta and hot sauce.  I forgot money at home and used car card.  I bought prepped chicken and clearance salad home.  

took my time relaxing.  puzzle.  lunch I called to check on Walter.  tomorrow Star Wars Day is his dad's b'day.  

good full table Toki, Jane, Fred, Mike, Salome.  I decided to check prizes for bingo.  after first game Walter showed up w/chicken.  boring bingo I decided I'd be happier banking and county.  talked to Walter half hour about happiness.  I knew his body would feel stressed.  PTSD tries to protect us unconsciously.  I told him he doesn't have to do anything if he's satisfied with his life.  he's in control of what he feels.  he thinks rum is an alternative when we know it's poison.  it masks symptoms worsening the condition.  it signals the body the direction to take.  either upward or downward.

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