Saturday, May 25, 2024

relax-rest/returned sunny hot spot

daily word-can't pour from an empty cup.  I wasn't allowed to rest.  I have a hard time knowing when i'm tired.  I spent my life tired.  

woo hoo!  I bought fish oil and D 3 at Walmart on medicare.  @ lucky's I bought gator lyte, sparkling and slivered almonds $7.  i'm feeling rich.  I made lunch and brought to sunny library.  lovely cool day.  I'm free to do what I want.  I turned in spot and got back in queue.  I can go home, stay here, look for nob potato salad $5.  I have 3 days.  I started Mayan calendar puzzle.

I showered and updated chrome at 24 fitness.  3rd parking space just as I arrived.  I prefer the anonymous company.  it's better than the family.  I miss the company and as I told ex Will I don't miss the arguing and tension.

1 pm parking lot sitting in a cool car on an overcast day i ate my 2 Tina burritos.  i'm eating the last of the 2 pounds of cherries I bought yesterday.  so good.  I'm so blessed to live here now.  

new left eye twitching symptom.  right calf and left knee.  

watching 'cactus flower' 'hopscotch' 'charade' Walter Matthau movies if plays early enough.

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