Friday, May 17, 2024

1/2 parking disabled

today is the health fair and parking is compromised.  2 days of setting up.  they'll be sore tomorrow.  i've never seen most of them even moving let alone doing actual physical work.  they used 1/2 parking for disabled.  

I showered with my pool shoes and socks.  perfect day to dry them in car.  wearing them still wet 1 pm I changed into flips.  very crowded lunchtime not enough place settings.  so I only saved Toki's spot.  Fred and Mike too late.  Sprouts dozen mini choc cupcakes $1.99 and 2 CBD seltzers.  

inga back.  she returned to Cali Wednesday.  she recuperated at her daughter's in Tennessee.  

power went out 4:50 pm and I wonder if solar flares.  wheel does not want to cooperate.  if no tv early sleep.

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