Saturday, September 7, 2024

feel it to heal it

I didn't know what I wanted to do.  I dressed still having no idea. iv'e gotten dressed and gone back to bed before.  I drank a shake and ate chips.  tv forecast 88 degrees starting to warm up.  I chose not to endure heat.  next where.  cup, city or sunny.  I decided to let the car take me.  I picked up 2 dozen fruit.  so humid I was sweating or having a heart attack.  54%.  divine order daily word day.

I drove to 24 hour fitness only parking way in back shaded by giant van.  I showered, stretched, weighed the same soaking wet and on to Lucky's tuna creations.  gave me one free.  checked out big lots and decided to walk around back of complex.  pleasant.  shady.

leisurely drive to St J and Charity gave me lunch and weekend bag with more tuna creations.  cafe by back door steady stream of visitors.  very nice.

i'm feeling sad.  I can feel sad anywhere.  central closes at 4.  I can go be sad by myself or another place.

city closed Monday admission I can go county and sunny open.

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