Thursday, April 14, 2022


New Behaviors!  I deserve PEACE.  everyone deserves the world they desire.  Putin deserves his heart's desire i pray he gets it without more damage to the innocents.  

autistic prey animals purpose is to bring Peace.  it's been demonstrated that thoughts are electrical energy and enough people focused on peace can bring it.  like a laser coherent energy can change the world.  autistic obsessiveness is perfectly suited to generating the energy necessary for peace.  I start with the world around me.  

i logged on at Panera using their internet.  no souffles at all.  i settled for bacon egg brioche.  used my $2 coupon and new gift card.  sat in car weak signal.  disappointment is hard on autistic.

big trinity church used map came Arques to Wolfe to Maude.  overshot driveway came back.  Joe M filled out form.  9:40 i'm sitting in ladies lounge charging phone and chrome.  feeling sad.  i'm the only one can change that.  all the criticism denigration neglect of my youth is bubbling up.  i release and let go.  i'm getting back as much as last year.  woo hoo!

10:10 taxes done for another year.  went Kifer to seniors.  Cody brought held movie i gave him apples and oranges.  Aggie promoted to kids at main i gave them the 12 cupcakes.  stretched computed picked up lunch ate in car.  computed 'til 1:30.  went back remembering to check sunny and cup library open tomorrow.   home i added lettuce to brioche.  a lot of bread.  i prefer the souffle.  

fry 15-did a lot new yesterday.  rested and cooked.  baked 4 drumsticks, potato and squash wedges.  prepped and ate lettuce wraps.  

sat 16-another day of feeling my way through life.  family punished and humiliated me for displaying feelings so i learned to stuff my feelings.  i was labeled too sensitive and insensitive by the crazies.  they projected their feelings outward while i had to store my feelings in my body.  disease is dysfunction in tissues.  exercise releases feelings.  arthritis encourages me to stretch to keep from calcification.  they never learned to accept and process their emotions.  they set themselves up for dis ease.  exercise nutrition understanding.

sun 17-ate potatoes nuked in chicken thigh juices.  yesterday baked 2 for lettuce wraps with ketchup.  baked the last 2.  still processing house sadness depression.  all this time i've been thinking my weakness that i can't process when it's family depression and disappointment for the entire family and probably previous tenants.  the result of 3 days without listening to healing music.  and i understand wanting to run away from crap that isn't mine to clean up.  everywhere i've lived i've improved the energy.

i realized i forgot to pay phone.  i put on charger, voice mail Cathy received my card fry day left message she's in the money.  i called and Walter left messages.  AND i paid phone by phone.  so easy and never did b 4.  i always paid online didn't want to drive for internet connection.  

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