Thursday, July 11, 2024

AJ-Smoker's Paradise 510-542-0579 Right toe, Right toe

7 am i stubbed my toe picking up fruit and didn't feel a thing.  neuropathy.  the bleeding caught my attention.  almost lost the nail.  so I'm being extra careful.  no tub.  extra rest.

2:34 pm I'm sitting main library after getting peach cbd gums.  lunch was sack lunch with Toki and Salome.  Mike sat with Florence, Don she and Melvin. 

I love parties.  Family never had parties only ordeals.  always yelling and arguments.  

3:30 still 99 degrees.  I finished bottom half of Van Gogh "Wheat field" puzzle.  5 pm still 99.  I ate senior sandwich deli meat juicy tomato romaine lettuce.  just right.  

tonight I try peach gummy.

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