Saturday, July 27, 2024

3 connected dreams

Stroke-Mt Hamilton-3 747's.  first year I was married when I had a stroke on birth control pills I didn't have time to figure it out.  I was too slammed suddenly being responsible for two people.  I suddenly had a son 6 years older than me.  he quit working without telling me.  I had to add more work hours while cooking, cleaning, shopping, washing for two.  because of his driving record my car insurance was cancelled.  

I didn't think about it, no time until I dreamed I had a stroke.  I didn't recognize the place until I drove the back side of Mount Hamilton for the first time and remembered my dream.  when relating this dream to Jennifer Cline for Mary El she helped me connect it to a dream of three 747 jets climbing to Boulder Colorado heaven.  all about creating heaven on earth.

today i'm a human being not doing.  I'm watching Justin Bieber 2011.  he became professional at 14 totally committed to music his entire life.  his mom is amazing.  she allowed him to love what he's doing.  

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