Sunday, July 14, 2024

eureka! 61 degrees- Bastille Day

I found monopoly case after retrieving spare I remembered where it might be.  and I finally found county returns I set aside after looking through car and trunk 3 times.  I hung the bag by the front door.  and I remembered to retrieve the extension cord from the car trunk.  

the artificial in the CBD gummy makes me hyper.  I get a lot done.  I trimmed the kiwi off the house into bin.  I picked up fruit too.  

and I remembered where I had put monopoly case after retrieving spare from storage.  

got in car 8:45 I need gas all green lights to Costco just before jam.  10 minute fill up then shower at lucky gym parked in shady spot.  I washed face cloths filled water bottles.  cup library 10:30 in shady divine order space.  feeling peaceful.  

watching babies have perfect posture and fluid motion.  then life happens.

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