Tuesday, July 30, 2024

crown unglued

so much fear i'm wrong.  not the first time.  feels weird.  i'll call the dentist first thing.  6:34 left urgent, Ashley called back 8:08 while I was in pool.  9:11 I called back immediate appointment done 9:46 considered library and st just too rushed i'll do it later.  

got second favorite parking spot.  upstairs to computer room 'til 11.  lunch hard to remember not to chew.  company great.  Toki, Fred, Mike, Melvin.  Tita has new friend to impress came and ordered Ted to her table so she's surrounded by men.  Tita island.  

easy puzzle at central.  boosting my confidence.  monitoring air quality library bad home good.  i'm considering postponing sunny due tomorrow.

i'm feeling a little tired.

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