Saturday, August 3, 2024

oh, what to do no plans

woke hot sweaty, uncomfortable, restless.  maybe the horrible 'Dating and New York.'  yuck, I'm so glad i'm beyond dating.  

first b'fast.  avocado and butter sandwich and my vitamin supplements.  I let go let God I arrived seniors 7:55 organized car.  I puzzled 'til 9, showered, considered cup star one deposit and library.  I didn't want or puzzle.  then Sprouts no lunch, deposit @ Merriwest.  2 sale CBD seltzer, 2 CBD gummies, Mauna loa rocky road, sale beef jerky high sugar.  ooh with micro greens.  got to st just 6 minutes to spare for lunch pick up.  scored almond pastry.

main library cafe busy.  read my ARIGURUMI books.  crocheting fanciful animals.  upstairs i finished sea puzzle at close.  4 pm 86 degrees 40% humid.  I want cup movie 'ministry of ungentlemanly warfare'.  no parking regular side, around front in sun.  eh, I can always eat my ice milk.  

I love love love the quiet company.  no bitching, moaning, complaining.  they want me to feel sorry for them I just get annoyed.

oooo, bad air quality best to stay air conditioned.  and hydrated.  stayed 'til closing 6:30 time for wheel and car in shade.

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