Friday, August 16, 2024

no swim lol

I picked up free Gatorade water, checked burrito and Mac treat supply at lucky's.  seniors I showered went to closed pool.  I forgot it's Friday.  I love feeling so relaxed I don't care.  

i'm reading Dave's book.  the errors and typos keep me alert.  perfectly imperfect.  I learned a new word: pg 24 inerrant, infallible, without errors.  (coincidence pg 24 ACIM text prayer.  I don't think so.  a miracle)  

I am here only to be truly helpful.  I am here to represent Him Who sent me.  I do not have to worry about what to say or what to do, because He Who sent me will direct me.  I am content to be wherever He wishes knowing He goes there with me. 

I will be healed as I let Him teach me to heal.

csaa car insurance e mail.  oh,oh.  

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