Saturday, August 31, 2024

and today internet seems ok 7:57 am seniors-but what do I know-free pizza

5 minutes to pre pool shower.  opens 8:30 today closed all next week to pay for 49'rs stadium.  $125 mill here $65 mill there.  we could use 2 mill easily.

no st just lunch due to Monday Labor Day holiday I don't know.  I miss their lunch.  in a box with fresh veg I scored 2 celery which I wanted and yams to roast and a can of spaghetti sauce.  so I have my protein shakes.  I stopped at Sprouts 6 CBD seltzer and gummies, 99 cent cauliflower and greens.  nothing else appealed to me.

I 'm so used to being denied like little Aaron I wait to make myself uncomfortable like my childhood.  I stress myself.  

i'm re reading 2018 i'm fascinating.  so much anxiety.  angst.

I'm also hungry.  I have pasta tuna in the car.  Mac nuts, dried cherries, jerky. i'm  fulfilling my own needs.  filled full.  

3:57 pm I decided to pick up my hold and drop off 2 puzzles at sunny library and the pizza fairy left 8 pizzas in boxes in shade in front of library.  I had big bag for puzzles fit perfectly.  homeless guy complained cold pizza.  made me laugh.  I was wondering about Monday lunch.  med veg individual cheese.  confirmation I'm on the right track.  I drove the easy way.

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